Thursday, April 14, 2011

Eat, Pray, Love up to page 48

i thought this book would be really good because it was recently made into a movie i heard was good. and i figured that since i have yet to see the movie, i might as well read the book first right? this reading has definitely got me excited for the movie. here's what these first forty- eight pages have been like.

Liz introduces herself and gives a...well not so brief summary of her life. and by life i kinda mean like the past few struggling years she's dealt with. she married a man and was with him for like 7 or 8 years. she has a job as a writer and pretty accomplished at it. she recently divorced her husband because she was too pressured by marriage to end her life of freedom to settle down and have children. she simply was not happy and struggled with so much depression during the divorce she was forced to go on antidepressants after no other tactic would work. she involves herself with another man, which only leads to more depression. but this man has shown her to a religion guru, who she becomes very interested in following. she decides she must go to India to her ashram, as well as Italy because she needs a reason to learn the language she finds so beautiful. She also needs to go back to Indonesia after she was sent there for a business trip and a medicine man told her she would return. these pages end with all this nonsense built up while Liz is in Italy and is suffering from a returning visit from loneliness and depression. she is trying to ward them away but just can't seem to.

rereading my summary, i'm quite sorry its a bunch of nonsense and random thoughts exploded into a paragraph. if you can follow it, great. kudos to you and i hope you find that this book seems as interesting as i think it is. i just really like these stories of women recounting their adventures and the crazy things they get themselves into. like how Liz quit her job to go travel to these three different places? i'm almost positive i forgot to mention that, but she does. i think its crazy, and ambitious and i love it. go Liz. this is definitely a story i'll want to continue.

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