Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Bringing Back Memories

Recently I was checking out a timeline of picture/children's books. It brought back great memories of all the wonderful books I've read in the past and also surprised me a little. Looking at the timeline, I didn't realize how long some of my most treasured children's books had been around for. I remember reading and loving The Five Chinese Brothers by Claire Huchet Bishop back in my elementary school days, and I never realized it was published in 1938! That may not seems like a long time, but my childish mind processed the book and assumed it was published around the same time I read it, so seeing such a large span between when it was actually published and when I read it is quite surprising to me. The Madeline books also caught my eye back in the day, I even had a few of the VHS films based off the books. This book was published in 1939, which, thinking back now, explains why I thought their uniforms were so weird at the time. There are so many other great books on this website, and I'm sure if you check it out you'll have as much fun reliving your childhood days as I did! Here's the link: http://www.picturingbooks.com/picture-book-timeline.html

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