Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Online Poker

Today I read an article on a 21 year old millionaire who has earned his living on online poker. His background portrayed him as a kid who was somewhat of a misfit and a loner that didn't care much for fashion and toys, but for video games. This lead him to finding his natural talent at playing poker. Since then he has played against many other great online poker players, and beats them and loses to them, gaining and spending sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars at a time. The article explained the mystery to young people playing online poker and winning and asked "How were these kids, many of whom were too young to set foot inside a casino, outsharking the sharks?" How are people who have played the game for a few years or even months destroying people who have been sitting around card tables for decades mastering the game? The reasoning behind this is that online poker allows the player to play multiple hands at a time, gaining much more experience more rapidly than players were previously able to via the real life card tables. Another reason these young people are beating the older folks is because the young people are more ambitious. Since young people don't have to pay much attention to taxes and savings for supporting their families, they are more likely to take risks and not consider the consequences of what they do. Cates, the 21 year old millionaire, stated "this blind spot gives us the freedom to always make the right move, regardless of the amount at stake, because our judgment isn’t clouded by any possible ramifications.” Could this concept apply to other places in life? Could being unaware to certain factors in a situation aid us in making better decisions because bias feelings will be eliminated? I thought this article brought up an interesting point by introducing that idea.

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